1. Assistance In Tax Audit, Objection & Appeal
We assist and represent clients in dealing with audits conducted by tax authorities and subsequent objections and appeals against tax assessments. Our tax professionals will provide effective strategies on such actions, including the filing of all necessary documents and facts to support our strong and valid argumentations for defense.
2. Comprehensive Tax Review
This service is aimed to ensure that clients have continuously maintained the compliance with tax provisions. We will review, test and diagnose clients financial records and related documents to identify such improper tax treatments that might give rise to any tax penalties and potential tax burden. This service will come up with our excellent suggestions and recommendations to cope with.
3. Day To Day Tax Advisory Services
We serve clients on day-to-day basis in the form of correspondence and verbal communication, including meeting, telephone conversation, fax and e-mail for any general and specific tax cases at any time of the clients request. In addition, we will update clients through email or fax for any new tax regulations particularly for such rules that will give direct impact to the tax obligation of clients.
4. International Services
We are expert in dealing with international taxation issues such as transfer pricing, taxation of expatriates, joint venture and overseas joint operation project, taxation of foreign-source income, application of tax treaties, international tax planning and any other issues on taxation of cross-border transactions.
5. Monthly & Annual Tax Return
We help clients in preparing and submitting monthly and annual employee income tax returns, monthly VAT returns, monthly withholding tax return, annual corporate tax return and annual individual income tax return timely and accurately.
6. Tax Administration
We help clients for the registration and revocation of Tax Identification Number (NPWP), the application for a tax clearance certificate and other tax administration matters.
7. Tax Planning
We provide tax-planning and design that meet clients business needs. We help clients in optimizing tax benefit of mergers & acquisitions, restructurings, direct / indirect capital investment (domestic / offshore) and financing arrangement. We always help our clients in achieving their goals in a way that will legally minimize their tax liability and get tax benefits without having to evade and break tax laws.
1. Company law: that includes resolving problems in a company better problem-solving within and outside the company, contract manufacturing agreements, permitting up to legal services Legal Due deligence;
2. Investments: for foreign and domestic, joint venture, franchise / franchise, affiliate, distributor and agency;
3. Corporation (incorporation, mergers and acquisitions);
4. Agricultural: covering the land dispute, the building and the licenses relating to land;
5. Legal Environment: problem solving damages and the cost of restoring the environment;
6. Family Law: includes grants, inheritance, divorce, adoption;
7. Bankruptcy: includes bankruptcy of the request, either from the creditor or the debtor and the defendant bankrupt;
8. Intellectual Property Rights: Matters illegal trade, piracy, unfair competition relating to copyright, trademark and patent;
9. Citizenship: including naturalization, immigration, visas, work permits, etc;
10. Banking, Taxation and Finance which includes the settlement of the problem of debts, bad debts, taxation (internal / external), the execution of the dependent objects, defaults etc;
11. Labour and Employment: which includes the completion of labor problems;
12. Arbritase and Mediation;
13. Insurance (insurance claims);
14. Civil Matters: assisting / representing clients in the negotiation process, the peace, the lawsuit is filed until the proceedings in court;
15. Criminal Matters: assisting clients in the inspection process, both in the police and the Prosecutor's up to the court proceedings.
16. Tax Criminal Matters: assisting clients in the examination process at the Directorate General of Taxes and/or the prosecutor's office up to proceedings in the criminal court.
1. Hukum Perusahaan: yang meliputi penyelesaian masalah-masalah dalam suatu perusahaan baik penyelesaian masalah di dalam dan di luar perusahaan, pembuatan kontrak perjanjian kerjasama, perijinan sampai dengan pelayanan jasa hukum Legal Due Deligence;
2. Investasi: meliputi PMA dan PMDN, modal ventura, franchise / waralaba, afiliasi, distributor dan keagenan;
3. Korporasi (penggabungan, peleburan dan pengambilalihan);
4. Agraria: meliputi persengketaan tanah, bangunan dan perijinan-perijinan yang berhubungan dengan lahan;
5. Hukum Lingkungan: penyelesaian masalah ganti kerugian dan biaya pemulihan lingkungan;
6. Hukum Keluarga: mencakup hibah, waris, cerai, adopsi;
7. Kepailitan: meliputi permohanan kepailitan, baik dari pihak kreditur atau pihak debitur serta pihak termohon pailit;
8. Hak Milik Intelektual: penanganan masalah-masalah perdagangan gelap, pembajakan, persaingan tidak sehat yang berkaitan dengan hak cipta, merek dan paten;
9. Kewarganegaraan: meliputi naturalisasi, keimigrasian, pengurusan visa, ijin kerja, dsb;
10. Perbankan, Perpajakan dan Keuangan: yang meliputi penyelesaian masalah utang piutang, kredit macet, perpajakan (internal / eksternal), eksekusi atas obyek tanggungan, wanprestasi dll;
11. Perburuhan dan Ketenagakerjaan: yang meliputi penyelesaian masalah-masalah perburuhan;
12. Arbritase dan Mediasi;
13. Asuransi (klaim asuransi);
14. Masalah-masalah Perdata: mendampingi / mewakili klien dalam proses negosiasi, perdamaian, pendaftaran gugatan sampai beracara di Pengadilan;
15. Masalah-masalah Pidana: mendampingi klien dalam proses pemeriksaan, baik di Kepolisian maupun Kejaksaan sampai dengan beracara di Pengadilan.
16. Masalah-masalah Pidana Pajak: mendampingi klien dalam proses pemeriksaan baik di Dirjen Pajak dan atau Kejaksaan sampai dengan beracara di Pengadilan Pidana.